Your Support Keeps Us Going
Help us to make mental health support accessible to all
We are a not-for-profit offering our service free where possible to the end user. Where this is not possible we ensure that these options are as low-cost as possible on a donation basis. We are passionate about providing easy-to-access services to ensure that anyone can seek out support when needed. To do this we rely on grants from charitable trusts, the national lottery community fund and our amazing supporters.
If you would like to support our service and help us to continue offering our service please donate what you can.
Make a donation.
Holistic Approach to counselling
We work to offer as many options to our local community as possible, this means offering different ways to access support. We currently offer:
Face to face counselling
webcam support
adult support
young peoples support
relationship counselling
free weekly peer support sessions facilitated by an experienced counsellor
free weekly live chat drop in service where individuals can intant message with a counsellor from anywhere and with anonymity
We are also looking to expand our free services to offer walk and talk therapy, mindfulness groups and community wellbeing activities, but we need your support in continuing and advancing our projects.
We are working closely with local organisations and services to reach individuals and families who are living in poverty or who are going through a difficult time, to give them the support that they need.
We want to find funding to offer as much free support as possible and you can help too. We are a non-profit and all of your donations will go towards offering EWG services.
If you would like to help us to offer this service you can donate above with any amount no matter how big or small every bit helps!