Start your emails sessions now

Available 7 days a week

Is this free like the Live chat service?

Our Live chat service is funded, in part by the #nationallotterycommunityfund which means that we are able to offer this service free of charge. You access the free Live Chat service here

If you don’t want to talk to us on the live chat service then you can access emails sessions, this does cost money to our organisation and is not covered by our main grants. We therefore rely on donations to continue our service. As such with email counselling we ask for a minimum donation of £20 per email session.

How does it work?

Email counselling gives you the freedom to take charge of when your therapy happens, there is no need to wait until an appointment time, you can write down about the issues you wish to explore in your own time and send them through to your counsellor when you are ready. Whether life keeps you busy, it is hard to get privacy or you suffer from a disability, email counselling gives you the freedom to access your therapy when it suits you.

Add your email session to the cart below and fill in the form to start this process.

Once you have made your donation you will receive an email from EWG with an enclosed form where you can complete your details and enter your first message to your counsellor. When we have received your message you will be allocated a counsellor who will respond to you within 2 working days.

What can I expect?

You can write to your counsellor about any relationship issue that's worrying you. They will help you to understand the difficulties you're experiencing and support you to think about ways to change things.

You will be able to send a message up to 750 words which is the equivalent to our counsellors spending an hour responding to your message. 

You can have as many email sessions as you want (each at the minimum donation cost) and you can send them as often as you want or need. You will keep the same counsellor throughout and they will always endeavour to respond to you within those 2 working days.

Is it confidential?

EWG will not share information from these emails with anyone outside the organisation unless you tell us or we come to believe that someone is at risk of immediate serious harm.

If we become concerned about this, we will always do our best to explain that we need to pass the concerns to the relevant form of support or help, unless by doing so this would increase the level of risk to you or to someone else.

It is your responsibility to ensure your email is secure and that you keep your own information private and secure.

You can read more about confidentiality here